Many people like riddles and puzzles and the harder the better, but there may be none harder than the question of was John the Baptist (hereafter simply “John”) the fulfillment…
Many people like riddles and puzzles and the harder the better, but there may be none harder than the question of was John the Baptist (hereafter simply “John”) the fulfillment…
Occasionally while some study the chronology of Paul’s life and ministry they become confused about his early visits to Jerusalem and Luke’s reporting of these same visits in Acts. Regrettably,…
WHY "STORY TELLING" IS INEFFECTIVE FOR DISCIPLESHIP One of my fondest memories of being a dad was telling my sons made up stories at bedtime. Of course we would also tell…
Was Paul a mystic? Bruce’s discussion on this topic in his book Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free is not very helpful on this subject, primarily because he uses…
WHEN WAS JESUS BORN, WHEN DID HE START HIS MINISTRY, AND WHEN WAS HE CRUCIFIED?When people begin studying the life of Jesus Christ some are often confused by the assertion…
OOccasionally while researching the historicity of the Old Testament you will come across scholars who argue that “Judaism” did not arise until the Jews returned from the Babylonian exile. The…
A Reasonable Theory about the Composition Date for the Book of ActsThe book of Acts is essential to understanding the birth and early growth of the first-century church, and for…
Skeptics often enjoy comparing the canonical Gospels in an attempt to make a lot of noise about what they perceived as errors, inaccuracies, and inconsistencies contained in them. And as…
In the past I have had students who think it is at best questionable to believe that material now found in the Old Testament reflects the original instructions that Moses…
This past summer I had to get rid of an uninvited resident in our home, which was a 3 1/2 foot snake. It had lived with us for 3 or…