SO WHAT IS “SOURCE CRITICISM” AND THE “SYNOPTIC PROBLEM”? Here is a brief video introducing these topics, as well as explaining how they relate to one another and why they are important. Find us on YouTube, Rumble, and Facebook/Meta by the same name.
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WHAT IS “REDACTION CRITICISM”? This brief video introduces the subject of Redaction Criticism. It also provides a few examples of what it looks like and explains how the authors’ of the Gospels used their trustworthy sources in order to help their readers accurately understand the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Find us on YouTube, Rumble, and Facebook/Meta by the same name.
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WHAT ARE SEMINARIES AND WHO CAN GO TO THEM? This brief video explains what seminaries are, who can go to them, and why someone might want to attend one. Find us on YouTube, Rumble, and Facebook/Meta by the same name.
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THE BIBLE AND THE DOCTRINE OF INSPIRATION: IS THE BIBLE THE INSPIRED WORD OF GOD OR IS IT JUST INSPIRING FOR SOME? This video provides a thorough explanation of the Doctrine of Inspiration, what it means and doesn’t meant, and the biblical support for it. Find us on YouTube, Rumble, and Facebook/Meta by the same name.
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FORM CRITICISM: WHAT IT IS, HOW IT IS DONE, AND WHY IT SHOULD BE REJECTED. This brief video explains Form Criticism and its damaging impact with respect to properly understanding the Gospels and the origin of Christianity. Find us on YouTube, Rumble, and Facebook/Meta by the same name.
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BIBLE STUDY FOR BEGINNERS: Have you ever wondered if there are any rules that should guide you as you study the Bible? Well the answer is yes, and here are 3 foundational laws for developing an effective method for studying the Bible. Find us on YouTube, Rumble, and Facebook/Meta by the same name.
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WOMEN WHO WERE MARTYRED FOR THE FAITH: Most people know that the apostles Paul and Peter gave their lives for the gospel. But have you ever wondered whether any early Christian women became martyrs for the cause of Christ and his gospel? The answer is yes, and ASKABIBLEPROF.COM sat down with Dr. Michael A. G. Haykin for a brief interview in search of answers to this very question. Find us on YouTube, Rumble, and Facebook/Meta by the same name.
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JESUS AND THE OLD TESTAMENT: Did Jesus really believe that the events recorded in the Old Testament actually happened? Did he view the Old Testament as historically reliable? ASKABIBLEPROF.COM sat down with Dr. John Oswalt and discussed this very question. His insights are very enlightening and explains that Jesus Christ believed that the Old Testament is historically accurate and trustworthy. Find us on YouTube, Rumble, and Facebook/Meta by the same name.
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SECULAR COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES AND THE OLD TESTAMENT: Should Christians take courses on Christianity, the Bible, or the Old Testament at secular colleges or state universities? And if so, what will they really learn? Will they be educated with all of the facts or will they be exposed to a kind of one-sided propaganda? ASKBIBLEPROF sat down with Dr. John Oswalt and asked these questions on this very important issue. Find us on YouTube, Rumble, and Facebook/Meta by the same name.
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THE OLD TESTAMENT AND PAGAN MYTHS: Find out why the Bible is not just another ancient book containing myths, but God’s revelation of his love for you and his provision of eternal life through the Lord Jesus Christ. Find us on YouTube, Rumble, and Facebook/Meta by the same name.
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THE EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS: Thinking about studying the Epistle to the Hebrews? Then you should be aware that it was not just written to believers and for the church. It is also an evangelistic apology that seeks to convince non-believers to place their faith solely upon Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross for the payment of their sins. Failing to understand this important element of this epistle will cause you to incorrectly interpret and misapply its “warning passages.” Find us on YouTube, Rumble, and Facebook/Meta by the same name.
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ROMAN PERSECUTIONS OF CHRISTIANITY: Was the persecution of Christians by the Roman Empire just a “propaganda stunt” made up by the church in order to gain sympathy, or did these gruesome persecutions really happen? ASKABIBLEPROF sat down with Dr. Michael Haykin in order to get answers concerning this important subject that modern skeptics often raise in academic circles and journals. Find us on YouTube, Rumble, and Facebook/Meta by the same name.
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Have you ever wondered about who gets to write a commentary on the Bible, or what you should expect from them? Here is a brief video this subject, and it will also explains how you can save some money when buying one. Find us on YouTube, Rumble, and Facebook/Meta by the same name.
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TEXT CRITICISM: What is “Text Criticism,” and how does it reveal that the Bible is trustworthy? This brief video introduces Text Criticism and illustrates how it’s performed. Once understood, then one can appreciate it and understand how it is an asset for those researching the Bible with the goal of discovering the original words of the biblical authors. Find us on YouTube, Rumble, and Facebook/Meta by the same name.
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THE WORD OF GOD AND MODERN TRANSLATIONS: Have you ever wondered if it’s okay to think of your English Bible as the “inspired Word of God”? Well this brief video answers this question with an emphatic “yes,” and it also provides biblical support that demonstrates why its perfectly acceptable to call your Bible “God’s Word.” Find us on YouTube, Rumble, and Facebook/Meta by the same name.
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HOW TO FIND A “GOOD COMMENTARY.” Have you ever wondered if you can know if a commentary is a “good commentary” before buying it? Your in luck! This brief video provides some simply tests that will help you figure out whether the commentary in your hands is worth buying. Find us on YouTube, Rumble, and Facebook/Meta by the same name.
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WHO WROTE THE GOSPEL OF MARK? Have you ever wondered who Mark was and if he really did write the second canonical Gospel? Or have you ever heard that the Gospels in the New Testament were anonymously written? Well this video identifies precisely who wrote the Gospel of Mark and why we can know for certain. You can also find us on YouTube, Rumble, and Facebook/Meta by the same name.
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HOW TO PREPARE FOR DIVINITY SCHOOL AND SEMINARY: Have you ever wondered what you can do to prepare yourself before starting seminary or divinity school? Here are 5 simply recommendations to enable you hit the ground running before you even start your first course. You can also find us on YouTube, Rumble, and Facebook/Meta by the same name.
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BIBLICAL THEOLOGY vs. SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY: What is the difference? Have you ever wondered if there is any difference between the disciplines of “biblical” theology and “systematic” theology? Well this brief video explains how they are different and why you should care. You can also find us on YouTube, Rumble, and Facebook/Meta by the same name.
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THE NEW PERSPECTIVE ON PAUL: This brief video introduces the origin, tenets, contributions, and problems with the New Perspective.
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THE SYNOPTIC PROBLEM AND THE TWO SOURCE THEORY: This brief video introduces the Synoptic Problem and the problems with the theory of Q.
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WHO “INVENTED” CHRISTIANITY: This video briefly explains who “invented” Christianity and who didn’t.
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Are the NT Gospels myths or do they contain myths? This video provides an overview of the Gospels and how they present themselves, and why is wrong to call them myths. Find us on YouTube, Facebook (Meta), and Rumble. If you want to help support this ministry, then you can use this link on PATREON:
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REDACTION CRITICISM 201: Learn how and why skeptics misuse Redaction Criticism in order to undermine confidence in the historical veracity of the Gospels, as well as how to respond to them.
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The Gospel of Matthew and Zombies: this video provides a Christian response to Matthew 27:52-53, which is a passage that skeptics and liberals use to make Evangelicals embarrassed about their faith in God and their trust in his word.
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